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Heating temperature control valve using method

At the time of use, the first thing to find the location of the temperature control valve, according to the need to regulate the temperature. If the parallel to the pipeline, the radiator fully open. But if the thermostatic valve adjusted perpendicular to the pipe, it has shut down. When the temperature control valve to open to the most hours, water can also be reduced, thus flow velocity decreases, the temperature is reduced.

Therefore, adjust the Angle of the temperature control valve. In general, and the direction of pipeline of 45 degrees is enough, don't drive to the maximum. Some temperature control valve will have significant Numbers above, through digital can accurately control temperature. Adjustment of the tests, the greater the heating effect is better.

The temperature of the radiator to what?

1. If is in the northern city, the central heating way. Hot water temperature can reach 60 to 80 degrees, and the temperature of the radiator surface between 40 to 60 degrees, the indoor temperature at this time - as it can be reached between 20 to 30 degrees.

2. There are many influence factors in the radiator heating, such as the insulation effect of the room. If the doors and Windows sealed performance is not very good, can cause indoor heat loss.

3. Indoor installation also note the installation position of the radiator. Surface shall not cover any thing, otherwise it will affect the heating effect.

4. According to the radiator of the heat transfer rate, radiator heating effect of the different materials will also be different. Want to good heating effect, must choose good quality heat sink materials.